
Instant Boost: Productivity Apps That’ll Make you More Efficient

As we all know by now, apps are what makes smartphones tick. The sheer diversity of the ecosystem of an app marketplace are what can make (Apple’s app store) or break (Windows app store) a mobile platform. While games are super popular for those that want to pass time waiting for their ride home (which is a huge demographic), more serious-minded users just want to use their phones as tools to enhance their work lives. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best productivity apps on offer.


As the old adage goes, time is money. By streamlining common processes such as calling an Uber ride when you know ahead of time that you’ll need one, Workflow saves you time from clicking through multiple steps each time of the week that you do the same thing. With the click of a customizeable button, accomplish this and other more time-consuming tasks in seconds.


Tired of trying to consolidate different email addresses that use different email services? CloudMagic allows you to use up to five accounts and supports virtually all formats while giving the user a few power features, such as the ability to forward the contents of email to other apps like OneNote or ZenDesk.


Trello allows users to create digital bulletin boards for notes, tasks, and other organizational activities like to-do lists. These ‘cards’ are like dynamic post-it notes that anyone that is part of the same project can edit or upload media to. Its flexibility and accessibility make it a popular choice for coordinating projects over distance.


Networking is a huge part of success for any business, so meeting and interacting with people in your industry is an immensely important skill in and of itself. With Refresh, it is possible to draw on publicly available information online from any given person’s Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts. Come prepared to meetings, even if you’ve never met the person!